Resilience GRC Ltd > Services > Service > GOVERNANCE RISK & COMPLIANCE (GRC)

Why To Invest in GRC?

  • Proactive governance, risk & compliance processes help to avoid duplication of efforts and decreases the cost of business sustenance.
  • Ensures regulatory and internal compliance.
  • Ensures assets (such as physical infrastructure, stored data, intellectual properties, human capital) are protected.
  • Cost savings and revenue generation – days are gone when risk and compliance were considered as cost centers. Focus on GRC acts as a cost saver by ensuring automation of processes and implementation of controls to mitigate risks. For service providers this acts as a revenue generator and therefore has a direct impact on the profit and loss.
  • reate resilience against disruptions and ensures continuity in the business.

How Can We help?

  • Review the governance, risk and compliance processes, policies and procedures and align them for greater efficiency.
  • Develop risk registers and risk & control libraries which become the basis of “Risk Based Audits.”
  • Develop mechanism for “Horizon Scanning” to ensure changes in regulatory landscape are captured.
  • Embed “Risk Management” element into project lifecycle, to ensure risks related to projects are captured and mitigated.
  • Develop operational resilience within the business and by identifying “Critical Business Processes” and developing resilience around these processes to ensure business continuity.
  • Help develop / train existing audit, risk, and compliance teams.
  • Plan and execute focused audits to identify non-compliance and inefficiencies.